Application, valuation and pitching

Investor presentation – Pitch

Investors usually see several hundred pitches a year, so it is important for entrepreneurs to be able to summarise their growth target briefly and in a manner tempting to investors. Whether open or closed (intended for the investors only), a pitch event is usually an entrepreneur's first contact with investors. A pitch may not

Investor presentation – Pitch2020-12-16T11:29:01+03:00

Valuation gap and its elimination

A valuation gap refers to a situation where the views of the investor and the entrepreneur on the value of a company differ from each other. This is usually due to a situation where the investor optimises returns and wishes to minimise the valuation, whereas the entrepreneur wishes to maximise the valuation and through

Valuation gap and its elimination2020-12-16T11:28:36+03:00

Valuation: Criteria for determining the value of a company

Valuation refers to the value of a company. The commonly used term usually refers to valuation prior to an investment (pre-money valuation). This differs significantly from another valuation concept (post-money valuation), which means valuation after an investment and which also determines the share in the company received by the investor. Pre-money valuation + Private

Valuation: Criteria for determining the value of a company2020-12-16T11:28:17+03:00

Before applying

Angel investment as a financing form differs from traditional financing options in terms of the search process, securities, and capital and interest expectations. The assessment conducted by an angel investor goes deeper than the assessments of traditional financing providers. Instead of financial situation and solvency, growth potential and prospects are examined. Angel investment also

Before applying2020-12-16T10:57:29+03:00

Required documentation

Required documentation... Yleensä ensimmäinen kohtaamisen sijoittajien kanssa tapahtuu 6 - 12 kk ennen sijoituspäätöstä, jona aikana sijoittaja seuraa yrityksen kehitystä ja lisää tietouttaan yrityksestä ja sen toimintaympäristöstä. Salassapitosopimusta (NDA:ta) ei kannata sijoittajalle tarjota ennen DD-prosessin käynnistymistä, sillä allekirjoitusta siihen ei saa. NDA on yleensä myös tarpeeton tutustumisvaiheessa, sillä sijoittaja ei ole kiinnostunut teknisistä yksityiskohdista

Required documentation2020-12-18T12:19:05+03:00

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